The treatment a couple is offered to help conceive can change drastically, depending on the underlying cause of your infertility. For this reason, no decision can be made until tests are completed to determine the issue. Once your fertility specialist Singapore doctor can make a diagnosis, treatment can be discussed in full and a plan can be chosen for you and your partner.
Your Treatment Options
One form of treatment, which may seem daunting to some people, is a mild form of surgery known as laparoscopy. There is no reason to fear it however since another name for this is keyhole surgery. It is called this because it’s performed through just a small incision, allowing you to heal much easier and faster than typical forms of surgery. You’re sure to see less pain, bleeding, and healing time than other surgeries can offer you.
Keyhole surgery can help to treat many different infertility issues, such as fibroids, cysts, and polyps. It can also be used to clear the effects of endometriosis. There is also a way that damaged fallopian tubes can be rejoined or even reconstructed altogether through this minimally invasive surgery.
Another treatment that can help a couple reproduce is to induce ovulation. Sometimes there is nothing preventing a safe pregnancy, rather the woman may not be releasing eggs to begin with. In these cases, a woman can be given hormones in order to help the body’s natural cycle release eggs. With any luck, these eggs can now be fertilized, and the woman can begin pregnancy.
Superovulation Intrauterine Insemination can also be a potential treatment to help a couple conceive a child. This treatment involves the specialist helping to stimulate the eggs to maturity. Once these eggs are released from the ovaries, the specialist can help to manually fertilize the eggs with semen. Once this happens, the pregnancy can go through its natural course.
In vitro fertilization is when the doctor will take the eggs from the female once they’re mature. Once they are harvested, the specialists can then use the male seamen to fertilize them manually, and then place them back into the female’s womb. This can help a couple to conceive, though it is common for multiple babies to be born through this method.
Ask Us About Your Treatment Options
If you and your partner are having trouble conceiving a baby, it is worth it to see fertility specialist Singapore service. These services can help you to conceive a baby, and get on track to the family you’ve always wanted. Treatments are typically easy to get and are certainly worth it by the time you hold your new baby in your arms.